“8 Characteristics of a Scheming (or ‘Cunning’) Person”


This is a challenging topic, but it’s important to understand these traits to navigate relationships smoothly.

  1. Seemingly Kind but Actions and Words Don’t Align: They might appear gentle and approachable, but if their actions don’t match their words, they could be manipulating their image.
  2. Willing to Sacrifice Others for Personal Gain: Individuals who prioritize their own benefits over others’ feelings or well-being might not hesitate to sacrifice others for their own advantage.
  3. Constantly Criticizes Others to Elevate Themselves: Those who frequently put others down or compare unfavorably to boost their own ego might be employing a strategy to maintain self-esteem.
  4. Offers Unasked Help and Expects Reciprocity: Pretending to help and then expecting something in return is a cunning behavior, often used to create a sense of indebtedness.
  5. Rarely Shows Their True Emotions: People who are reluctant to open up or share their true feelings might be keeping others at a distance intentionally.
  6. Skilled in Using Others for Their Own Ends: Understanding how to manipulate people to achieve personal goals is a clear sign of cunningness.
  7. Gathers Information for Self-Preservation: Collecting information from others for personal advantage or to find vulnerabilities can be a strategic move for self-protection.
  8. Manipulates Situations to Their Advantage: Controlling others or circumstances to create favorable outcomes for themselves is a hallmark of a scheming personality.

It’s crucial not to immediately distance yourself from such people, but rather to learn how to interact with them wisely. Maintaining your emotional balance and standing firm in your position can help reduce relationship troubles more effectively than simply avoiding them.

